Sunday, June 12, 2005

Techies in Bangalore Attack Feminism

As much as I can 'understand' why there is an animosity towards feminism in India, I will not support this move of the techies because of the far more atrocities that are being done against women in our country. Especially
  • when a teenager was raped by a cop in Mumbai,
  • when a rapist is allowed to 'propose' marriage to the lady he raped in order to avoid punishment (I felt that he should have been given a second sentence just for making that proposal),
  • when literate women are still being abused for dowry (what then to say abt illiterates),
  • when a lady (not sure if she was a social worker or MLA or something like that) had her arm cut off for protesting against child marriage in MP,
and the list goes on. In the midst of all this, if men don't know, let me rephrase that, if educated men do not know how to 'handle' ;-), or shall we say settle their differences with their spouses, then they (I want to say) 'kind of deserve what they get'. *kidding*

How is that these same techies were so quiet when their mothers and aunts were being abused a few years ago, and have suddenly grown voices to protest against - of all things - feminism?


At Mon Jun 20, 07:32:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Interesting. You mean to say Feminism will solve all these problems?

Both MCP's and Feminists are equally dangerous!

At Tue Jun 21, 09:50:00 AM, Blogger Miya said...

No I don't say that feminism is going to solve anything. And yes, MCP's are bane to our society. But we live in one which has been an MCP for longer than I care to remember and feminism reared its head to offset MC. It will be better if we can expect something better from today's generation (am including everybody in the ages 35 and below).

At Tue Jun 21, 01:35:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am owner of website run by saveindianfamily umbrella groups.

There are two definitions of feminism. One definition is the one which you get in dictionaries and in media. There is another definition based on their real actions. We have enough data to prove that Indian Feminists have themselves indulged in a lot of attrocities on women, old and sick elders.

It is very easy to be an intellectual and play from the stands. Would u like to come to Family courts and high court and I will let you meet judges, social activists, women who will show you the reality ?

If you want to play, get to our blog.

It is very easy to be judgemental.
BTW, most of our activists are women, not men. These women have suffered because of feminism.

Please do some homework, get to reality.

At Tue Jun 21, 02:00:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The guys in Save Indian Family Group have not taken a single paisa as dowry. Their number borders 1000. If you want proofs, you would be sent the scanned PDF docus.

You can call them MCPs for not taking dowry.

Have you heard of a law called section 498a and how many innocent women are tortured in India with that law ?

A Raped woman in Orissa was jailed next day under that law. We fight against innocent women and innocent elders tortured in Indian legal system. You can happily use the term MPC for all of us.

We thank you for supporting those feminists who favour arbitrary arrests of women and elders "Without Investigation".

Remember, south pole looks extremely similar to north pole. There is no difference between Feminism and Patriarchy.

Hate has not achieved anything in this world.

The judge who considered the marriage proposal of a rapist has got the problem in his head. May be, Indian feminists paid him to behave that way so that they can gain mileage. In a country where you can get a warrent of President issued with a bribe anything is possible.

At Wed Jun 22, 12:28:00 PM, Blogger Sriram said...

Hey! Got here thro Ammani's blog... if u really wanna know why there is an animosity towards feminism, it is mostly due to the fact that they are hypocrites. No one hates people who whine and crib for everything. Equality is said to be their goal, but take a good look at their demands. There is no equality in what they ask for. They want women to be placed on a level higher than men. Most men consider women to be their equals, while the same men consider feminists to be equal to that pesky skunk in the neighborhood. In other words, feminists are pests. the examples u've cited are things that need to be taken care of. Rape laws have never been strong and that definitely needs to be changed. That being said, murder laws aren't too good either and I can quote countless statistics that speak for that.

My point is that I hate feminists while I strongly believe women are equal to men. *sigh, this is gonna be bad*

At Fri Jun 24, 05:08:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Ramya,

Sriram has hit the nail straight. There is a lot of hypocrisy involved in the entire movement of feminism. As a result the real problems do not get solves and new problems get created.

I will give a reference. Please read the book "Who stole Feminism" by Christiana Sommers.

Its is a myth that feminism is all about equality. The word "feminism" itself is not equal. Can all feminists swear by "I stand for equality, nothing but equality ?" If yes, then why do earning and rich women ask for alimony during divorce ? If feminism is all about equality, then why the man does not get 50% custody of children (joint custody).

The hate towards all men in general (including own father and brothers) is built in feminism from day one. We can prove it very easily. "Have you heard of even a single thing positive about men from even a single feminist ?" Have you seen any feminist website talking anything positive ever about men ?

If Feminists hate men, then men will hate feminists. Life is a mirror. They do not become MCPs just because they hate feminists.

Some women are trying to work for moderation in feminism so that it can stick to the equality concept. Please read about
Individualist Feminism

I do not know if you have brothers. Many sisters come to us asking for help when they are accused in false 498a cases even when they are married and staying in US.

Just find out what feminists and even Amnesty International have to say about laws like 498a. They want blood of men, old and sick elders.

Coming to your statement on Male Chauvenism in India, Please read my story on Nisha Sharma whose father was beaten by two women in a male chauvenistic society.

Seema Sirohi wrote a book called "Sita's Curse". Feminists keep on harping about Sita's plight and make good use of it. What about deeds of Kaikeyi and Manthara in a male chauvenistic society. Both females killed the king, the great patriarch even without using a weapon. Please try to remember what King Santanu went through when his wife went on aborting (killing) his children one after another. The next wife's father tortured him (even when he is a king) with very unreasonable demands.

Today, pseudo-liberals and feminists together are breaking Indian families and we just watch and have fun when children do not see their fathers for years.

The Media and academic people are mostly pseudo-liberals or Liberal Extremists. They are very conservative about their liberal views. They all keep brainwashing people. Guess, in the end who pays the price in this gender war ?

If you are really concerned about women, old and sick elders, then you can join us and write for us. You will come to know how many mothers and sisters are suffering. I know many cases, where the mother of the guy committed suicide by burning herself due to threats for false 498a.

If this continues, men will not marry. I know at least 100 such techies who do not want to marry ever after what they have gone through.

At Fri Jun 24, 11:06:00 AM, Blogger Rhapsoder said...

This may be a little tangential to your topic on feminism as such. This is in regards to small list of 'attrocities' commited against women. Just out of curiosity.. where would you put the list of attrocities being commited against men?

At Sat Aug 27, 02:35:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Ramya,

Interesting to see Bangalore mentioned when none of the examples had any mention of Bangalore.
Poor Bangalore....I have lived there for 20 yrs and have found it to be the most equal society as far as men and women are concerned event before the advent of the Great "IT"......hence the core of the original bangalore still continues to do so.....

If it seems like i am defending a city ..well yes i am ....and i am sorry you have chosen this city to launch your anger against the "IT" professionals of the nation....


At Thu Oct 13, 10:45:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It would be so healthy for you if the facts and figures are known to you and then you post such opinions on feminism.
Not a single feminist understand the principles of Equality.
Equality means, "Exposing both the genders to exactly same environment, conditions, rules and regulations and social committments." This will ensure giving opportunities to the whole who proves his/her potentials. This will also reduce crime, suicide, divorce and social tension.
But feminist wants to take away all the rights of men and want to control, dominate men "legally".


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